The National Grid delivers, on average, 242 volts to all UK users. With voltage optimised, electrical equipment works at optimum cost efficiency at 220 volts. All supply above 220v is waste.

Through Ohm’s law, optimising voltage on any supply produces instant kWh savings of up to 19%, which will give an instant reduction in electricity bills and carbon footprint. In addition, and as confirmed by the UK’s wiring regulations (BS7671), any electrical equipment required to work at 242v, will suffer a reduced working life by up to 46%.

We guarantee to reduce your voltage by between 6% and 10%.

  • Reduces your kWh Energy costs

  • Reduces your Carbon footprint

  • Increased life expectancy of equipment

  • Reduces your maintenance costs

  • Complimentary to solar infrastructure

  • 15 year warranty

  • 40+ years life expectancy

  • Guaranteed savings

  • Specialist provider of Voltage Optimisation systems

  • Real-time remote monitoring

Put simply, Voltage Optimisation is a form of Voltage Management specifically designed for reducing energy consumption. Voltage Optimisation is a term used around voltage management when a desire to reduce energy consumption by up to 20% is managed by adjusting and controlling voltage levels on a user’s site.

Voltage optimisation is a transformer based technology, the principal is based around supplying a voltage level more suitable to the actual electrical device in order for it to perform its task more efficiently and in line with limits of European harmonised voltage while basic design is a low loss series connected transformer designed to optimise a whole site or individual loads to target the most optimisable loads.

The primary means of achieving savings on an electricity bill is by reducing the kWh usage of electrical devices, which can be accomplished by ensuring they operate at or near their fundamental design voltage.

  • Reduced kWh consumption
  • Dependent on the load dynamics, the savings will come from a kw/h reduction.
  • Reduction in Demand
  • A small reduction in demand is possible although this is not normally significant enough to reduce Authorised Supply Capacity charges.
  • Reactive power charges may reduce slightly as demand reduces.
  • Reduces Emissions
  • Significant reductions in CO2 emissions can be achieved as consumption is normally directly associated with kw/h consumption.
  • Reduces Maintenance Costs
  • Reactive Power Charges

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NatWest has partnered with companies to bring you services that could help you to understand your energy usage, reduce your costs and take action to save money and cut carbon. NatWest partnered with companies to bring you services that could help you to understand your energy usage, reduce your costs and take action to save money and cut carbon. Any content you view or services you access on the partner webpages are provided by a third party. NatWest is not responsible or liable for any content, including but not limited to any advertising, products, materials, services or advice.

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